Sport as a springboard to sustainable development

Watch the panel discussion (in french)
Speakers :
– Sonia Ben Cheikh, Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports and acting Minister of Health, Republic of Tunisia
– Emmanuelle Bonnet-Oulaldj, co-President of the French Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail (Workers’ Sports and Gymnastics Federation, FSGT)
– Will Mbiakop, Senior Director, National Basketball Association (NBA Africa)
– Jean-Philippe Sionneau, Head of Communications, Le Coq Sportif
– Marie-Cécile Tardieu, Head of Regional Economic Affairs at the French Embassy in Morocco
– Moderator : Bertrand Walckenaer, Deputy CEO of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
The Arab World Institute is a French cultural institute dedicated to the Arab world. It is located in the heart of historic Paris, in the fifth arrondissement, in Place Mohammed-V, between the Quai Saint-Bernard and the Jussieu university campus, which is now Sorbonne University’s Pierre and Marie Curie campus. The building is a blend of Arab and Western culture and was designed by a group of architects.
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