Listing solutions
The goal is to broaden access to sport as a vehicle for development, mobilise the entire community and provide inspiration through the sharing of experiences.
You would like to list an offer, a project or an organisation
List an organisation or a project on the platform
To list your organisation on the Sport en Commun (Sport in Common) platform, simply log into your account and complete the relevant form. Your organisation will be added to the member directory once it has been approved by our teams.
To list a project, simply log into your account and complete the appropriate form. All listing requests will be analysed by our teams, after which your project will be visible to all users of the platform.
List offers of funding or support on the platform
If you would like to raise the profile of a call for projects or other funding or support solution, contact the Sport en Commun teams so that they can publish them on the platform. A specific page will be created for your funding or support solution; project managers wishing to apply will then be redirected to your website.
List news articles or resources on the platform
Sport en Commun regularly publishes the latest news about sport and development (such as press, events and training). The platform also provides access to reports on the subject, as well as stories, videos and interactive methodological guides.
Would you like to send us a news article, a personal story, feedback or a study of interest to the Sport en Commun community ? Feel free to contact our teams.