The International School Sport Federation (ISF) is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and promotes the values and interests of Education through Sport.
Its events, the World Schools Championships and the Gymnasiade, aim to promote among young people: mutual understanding, empowerment through volunteering, peace, non-discrimination, healthy lifestyles, social inclusion and gender equality. In this way, it contributes to supporting young people’s educational pathways to empowerment as global citizens. ISF pursues its objectives independently of any political, religious or racial considerations.
ISF’s mission is to organise the World Schools Championship ; to harness the power of sport to inspire, engage and educate young people ; to provide young people with an enriching life experience and multicultural exchange ; to empower young people to become sports leaders.
Partnership with the Sport en Commun platform
A cooperation agreement was signed between Sport en Commun and the International School Sport Federation (ISF) for the promotion and development of school sport on the African continent. ISF and Sport en Commun will work together to support local member federations, to implement teacher training programmes in physical education and sport, and to organise regional and international competitions on the continent.