Laureus Sport for Good (LSFG) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), through Olympism365, launch the Sport for Education and Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa programme (SESLA) to advance youth education and employability through sport in Africa.

General presentation

The objective of the Sport for Education and Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa (SESLA) programme is to use sport to ensure young people across Africa can build sustainable futures for themselves and their communities.

To achieve this goal, the programme will ensure that more young people have developed socio-emotional and transferable skills to better excel in education, employment and beyond; more young people are equipped with needed employment, technical and digital skills to fill the labour market gap; and more young people across Africa have access to education, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

SESLA through an Incubation Hub helps Non-Profit Organisations build capacity and ultimately enhance sustainability.


Key Information

  • Geographical coverage: Morocco, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tunisia
  • Beneficiaries: Non-Profit organisation
  • Type of support: in-person workshops, mentorship, online education sessions and access to other likeminded organisations
  • Selection method: expression of interest
  • Application period: 19th May 2024


Eligibility criteria:

  • Must be registered as a Non-Profit Organisation
  • Must run development programmes in at least one of these five countries: Morocco, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tunisia, 
  • Must have been established for two or more years at time of application
  • Must have at least two members of staff
  • Must work with children and/or young people
  • Must commit to the duration of the programme (June-December 2024)


Extensive information about the programme can be found here


Photo credit: Waves for Change
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Deadline for submission
Olympism365 is the IOC’s strategy and approach to strengthen the role of community development through sport and Olympism as an important enabler for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A priority that is an important focus area of the IOC’s strategic roadmap, Olympic Agenda 2020+5.

Laureus is a global movement that uses the power of sport to transform the lives of children and young people. Since 2000, Laureus Sport for Good has used the power of sport to change the lives of over six and a half million young people, and currently supports more than 260 programmes in over 45 countries, with each programme using sport to help young people overcome violence, discrimination and inequality.
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