Sport en Commun launches its mobile application and marketplace
Our community will find all the news published on the platform, the flagship projects deployed on the continent but also 3 new sections:
- “Challenges”, which brings together the different funding programmes, competitions and challenges in which the platform’s member organisations can participate;
- “Marketplace”, which provides access to exclusive offers on sports equipment, materials and services from a selection of suppliers (Puma, Decathlon, ON EST, Alcor Equipements, etc.). It also allows users to express specific needs and receive tailor-made quotations and direct contact with supplier partners;
- “Academy”, which brings together tools, tutorials and training to better understand and apprehend the use of sport for development and to strengthen skills in the design, monitoring and deployment of initiatives for maximum impact of the actions undertaken.
Launched at the initiative of the French Development Agency in September 2020 and piloted from Dakar by Sport Impact, the Sport en Commun platform brings together a community of more than 1,700 active members in some fifty African countries and has enabled the mobilisation of nearly €2 million in multi-donor funding to date.
The Sport en Commun application can be downloaded on the Apple Store and on Google Play.