Sport as a means of social change and health development
The status of HIV/AIDS and Covid-19 in Cameroon and more specifically in the targeted provinces of the project, has reached epidemic proportions despite low rates of prevalence. People infected with HIV/AIDS represent 4.3% of people aged 15 to 49 and the girls are 5 to 6 times as affected as the boys. In addition, the situation has worsened with the COVID-19 pandemic. As from March 2020, there has been a sharp rise in the number of cases due to the community transmission of the disease in Cameroon. Cameroon has recorded 16,708 confirmed cases and 385 deaths since the pandemic began. The health system in Cameroon is still weak and characterised by few materials/facilities and a weak supply chain.
- Reinforcing community resilience for the promotion of good health and mitigating HIV/AIDS and COVID-19’s socio-economic impact using sport in the North-Western and Western provinces of Cameroon
- Improving communication on the risks and on community engagement concerning HIV/AIDS and Coronavirus prevention
- Providing a psychosocial and psychological support to the vulnerable communities affected.
- Using football as a means of social change and development
- Holding planning meetings for the main stakeholders in the targeted provinces to support the project
- Building capacity on HIV/AIDS and the coronavirus so as to improve the prevention and mitigation measures of the impacts with the instructors and the health clubs of the schools identified, the frontline health workers, traditional healers and religious community leaders
- Awareness campaigns on COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS in the schools and the communities with simple and easily accessible messages.
- Staging football and physical activity tournaments in the targeted schools alongside exhibits on the diseases while abiding by social distancing measures
- 56 youths (girls and boys) shall be directly trained as community instructors
- Over 10,000 students in 10 schools shall be directly affected by the instructions and outreach
- 48 interactive sensitisation and education radio sessions shall be carried out (100,000 people shall be affected)
- 3,000 posters, folders and brochures shall be made with some key educational messages
- 168 sets of complete equipment (shirts, sports shoes) shall be distributed to 14 teams
- 4 communities in 2 provinces of Cameroon shall be the direct beneficiaries (1 in the English-speaking North-West Province, and 1 in the French-speaking West Province)
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