Combating forms of gender-based violence in sport
For more than 20 years, DRC has been suffering from wars that are at the origin of human rights violations, notably on girls and women. According to a report published by Doctors without borders (MSF) in July 2021, 67% of the cases of sexual abuses occur during daily life activities, including sport. Victims then face numerous obstacles to denounce their abuser. In this same report, MSF recommends to reinforce denunciation bodies and to answer to these cases.
In this context, Sport for all wants to create quick and safe denunciation mechanisms in case of sexual abuses in sport communities, notably through the elaboration of a code of good behaviour and youth and staff trainings about children’s rights.
- Fight against gender-based sexual violence in the school environment by reinforcing the knowledge of staff and other actors (parents, sport trainers…) on children’s rights
- Identify and support local youth sport structures to integrate sport for development in their programmes
- Encourage sport and administrative authorities to adopt the code of good behaviour in the sport environment including measures to fight against violence in the sport environment
- Encourage young athletes to denounce the sexual abuses they can be exposed to by reinforcing communication and community commitment to reduce the risks in case of abuses
- Support and guide people victims of violence through psychosocial care and refer cases to judicial structures
- Conduct a micro-baseline study to identify project participants’ needs
- Elaborate a code of good behaviour for sport staffs
- Organise advocacy visits to sport authorities and local administrations to ensure they are involved in the project
- Produce communication supports and leaflets in local languages to convey the project messages
- Develop adapted trainings for sport staffs and young athletes on prevention mechanisms in sport
- Organise educative conferences and discussions with staffs and athletes and themes such as health, leadership, hygiene…
- 500 young athletes trained to basic life skills who will transfer this education to their peer
- 50 sport staffs trained to the notions of children rights and life skills and apply them in their respective structures
The total cost of the project is $231,793 for 3 years divided between salaries, material, general operation and project activities.