Sport for All and “Sport and Health Caravan” for Rural Areas
The spread of COVID-19 has had economic and social repercussions for disadvantaged communities. In Cameroon, the people who are most vulnerable or at-risk are those who live in rural areas. Regular sports participation is a solution that can strengthen people’s resilience and improve social cohesion.
The people of the village of Mboun SODECAO and the surrounding areas also have to contend with a lack of sports and leisure facilities. The project will facilitate the sociocultural transformation of the participating communities, improve social cohesion and create awareness of diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and COVID-19.
- Facilitate local participation in physical activities that are accessible to the entire community and strengthen social bonds
- Raise awareness among rural populations of the importance of physical activity and the methods for preventing/combating pandemics, malaria and HIV/AIDS
- Creating a “Sport and Health Caravan” to raise public awareness of the importance of participation in sport and compliance with preventive measures to combat COVID-19
- Equipping an indoor hall and constructing an outdoor multisport pitch
- Organising social, sports and health activities for disadvantaged communities, with a focus on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV/AIDS, contraception, hygiene, etc.
- Providing sports and health care for older adults and the sick, and organising regular sports activities every Sunday and on a monthly basis
- 1,000 direct beneficiaries (150 older adults, 200 adults and 650 young people)
- Nearly 90% of the populations of the target areas have received information and benefited from access to facilities for regular participation in sport
- 85% of young people (male and female) have been mobilised to promote intergenerational relations
- 85% of older adults have been able to take part in local physical activities under the supervision of sports professionals