Youth empowerment through sport and sexual education
The inactivity of Lugari Village youths and children, in Kakamega in Kenya, has caused a dilemma for many participants the parents included. During school breaks, children are exposed to several social as well sanitary risks. The main risks identified are:
– Early and/or unwanted pregnancy cases leading to abortion and other negative consequences on young mothers’ lives and health – Youth involvement in criminal activities, psycho-active substance consumption, prostitution and school dropouts
Faced with this situation worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, Aid Focus has committed to improving the populations’ living conditions using sport. In line with the Kenyan government’s Vision 2030, the programme aims at sensitising the young and reinforcing their health knowledge, sensitising on the dangers of early pregnancies, and fostering the empowerment of vulnerable groups.
- Creating sporting activities and developing attractive, stimulating, recreational, and sustainable talents for the young in Lugari County in Kenya
- Proposing educational programmes in sexual and reproductive health and development of daily life skills
- Increasing sensitisation on protection of the environment and reinforcing the mitigation initiatives of degradation
- Organising sporting contests for the young and teaching daily life skills
- Awareness raising campaigns on the dangers and risks of early pregnancies, abortions, drug addiction
- Sexual and health education workshops about STIs, transmissible diseases, chronic diseases caused by inactivity, etc.
- Sensitisation on conservation and protection of the environment
- Over 1,500 youths (both girls and boys) aged 12 to 30 shall be directly impacted by the initiative. They will be able to take part in the local sports contests and profit from health and sexual education courses
- 60 youths from Lugari Village shall be trained to carry out and direct the various activities with the young
- 10 local football contests shall be organised
- About 5,000 inhabitants from the targeted localities shall be reached with the sensitisation activities
- A big decrease in the number of early pregnancies and prostitution, of drug addictions and criminal activity in the locality.
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