Waschana, let’s go!
Ranked 109 out of 153 countries in the Global Gender Gap Report 2020, Kenya has 0.671, significant inequalities between males and females in education attainment, health outcomes, representation in parliament, and participation in the labour market remain. The majority of girls and young women, have to drop out of school because of poverty, adolescent pregnancy, and early marriage.
A girl experiences 4 dimensions in her daily life: the girl herself, the girl in the community, the girl at home, and the girl at school. Due to certain prejudices, these 4 dimensions affect negatively girls in Kenya with regards to enrolling in school, staying in school, and learning to gain skills to improve their life chances.
In this context, the project seeks to use sports and educational activities to improve girls’ social and economic conditions in Kenya. Karibu Afrika Kenya’s aims also to create tangible and effective support for children and youth growth, focusing on education as a principal key factor for better community change.
- Contribute to the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women, youth, children, and the vulnerable members of society in Kisumu County
- Increase girls and young women’s access to equitable socio-economic development
- Address social and personal constraints by providing in-school and out-of-school girls with safe spaces to learn life skills, build communities of peers, and engage the community in aware dialogue
- Educational activities through training in basketball, football, and life skills
- Elaboration of sports clinics
- Provision of lifeskills lessons and change behavior curriculum for teachers
- Establishment of schools clubs supporting activity
- Distribution of educational/sports kits (uniforms and stationery)
- Regular home visits by community coaches
- Workshops with parents and awareness meeting sessions
- 5250 directs beneficiaries of the project: children, community households, schools’ kids
- Children (boys and girls) will improve health and well-being, as well as individual and group communication skills
- Community coaches will increase their relational, emotive, and methodological skills
- Family members will be aware of gender-sensitive matters and sports as an educational tool
- Children schools, families, and community will acquire the capacity to build a stable platform to improve and practice advocacy and raise knowledge on quality education and gender
- Children schools, families, and communities will improve their social perception of gender-sensitive matters and sports as an educational tool
Photo credit : Karibu Afrika Kenya
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