Building a multisport centre in Bonis 1
With a population of 1,500 inhabitants, Bonis 1 is a village located 10 km before you reach Bertoua, the capital city of Cameroun’s Eastern Province. After building a comprehensive school, the woman founder of Dynamique Africaine Association noticed that in the village and its vicinity, the young girls were victims of early marriages and pregnancies and would as a consequence become vulnerable mothers before they are 16. She could besides, notice that they needed some sexual and reproductive education for more responsible parenting. The lack of appropriate facilities is first to blame for this situation, in addition to harsh living conditions.
Aware as she is that sport has positive impacts on physical capacity, on our psychology, on our comportments and on the environment, she has come up with this project for the building of a multisport centre that will also be used as an education and sensitisation venue for the youngsters in Bonis and in the neighbouring villages. The objects are to encourage the practice of physical and sporting activities for the populations in general and to reinforce the young mothers’ well-being in particular.
- Creating an environment conducive to the practice of physical and sporting activities in Bonis 1 Village and encouraging sexual and health education with the young
- Fighting to eradicate early marriages and pregnancies and educating the populations on the risks and dangers the young face with this scourge
- Protecting young girls from sexual abuse, forced marriages and early pregnancies
- Fostering gender equality, developing self-esteem and willpower with the vulnerable girls and the young mothers and reinforcing their well-being
- Building and developing a sporting complex and organising a multisport championship during summer break
- Physical activity sessions and sporting contests (football, handball, racing, etc.) for the children so as to develop their motor skills
- Capacity building workshops on youth health and sexual education
- Discussion panels on biological science, physiological anatomy, the transmission of human life, puberty, HIV/AIDS and STI prevention, contraception, etc.
- Awareness raising campaigns towards the parents on the dangers and risks associated with early marriages
Impacts / targets
- 1,000 youths (both girls and boys) consisting of students regularly registered at Jean Onguene Bilingual School in Bonis Village
- 15,000 youths from the other neighbouring villages with the massive participation of women and young mothers
- 11 people hired for building and developing the multisport facility
- Over 135 people and members of the association shall be involved in this project to achieve monitoring and sustainability