Jump Fly and Land Safely
Young people from the Lusaka region are particularly hard hit by unemployment due to lack of access to education, support networks and funding. With youth unemployment estimated at 11% (World Bank, 2023).
Youth unemployment causes a high social cost: unemployed young people are vulnerable to certain mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, social isolation and addiction. Unemployment also pushes them to adopt certain criminal behaviors.
In this context, the Circus Zambia project aims to promote the employability of young people while creating a platform for circus in Zambia.
- Promoting young people’s access to decent employment
- Promoting young people’s access to sport
- Strengthen young people’s leadership skills
- Raise young people’s awareness of issues such as environment, education, gender
- Weekly social circus training
- Implementation of mentoring programs
- Awareness-raising activities on quality education, gender equality and environment
Targeted impacts / Results
- 80 young people are able to recognize and exploit the social skills acquired through circus, improving their employability and entrepreneurial skills
- 80 young people are able to work independently to achieve their career goals
- 1,200 young men and women from the community are sensitized to various themes (environment, gender, education…)