Project supported by OSDB

The Organisation for Sustainable Development and Biodiversity (ODDB) is a non-governmental organisation that aims at building a community living in concert with nature in dignity, security and autonomy. ODDB works in four key fields of intervention: biodiversity, environmental education, green tourism and community development.
The project aims at promoting the preservation of the ecosystems of the communes on the Coastline by the young girls using sport and environmental activities. The awareness activities target both the girls and the boys with the implementation of educational programmes tailored from middle school to grammar school. The project’s global amount is €25,000.


Benin has made considerable efforts in its struggle with climate change, which impacted its development. This is demontrated by the implementation of a governance framework and institutional mechanisms to coordinate and adopt programme implementation policies. The population also participate in these efforts for the protection and the conservation of the ecosystem.

ODDB noted in these localities a lack of interest on the part of the young, especially the young girls in subjects related to the environment and to sport. 


  • Reinforce the preservation of biodiversity and the alleviation of climate change impacts by the population;
  • Contribute to the practice of women’s football and to environmental education;
  • Participate in the preservation of the ecosystem and in the alleviation of any effects associated with climate change. 



  • Establishment of a team of youngsters called « Nature and Sport »;
  • Gradual restoration of the region’s ecosystem (reforestation by the sports ecology clubs);
  • Setting of a programme for environmental education for the benefit of 10 nature and environment clubs;
  • Sensitisation of the students, women’s groups, adults and local authorities programme (image, video, etc.)
  • Organisation of an inter-club nature and sport tournament
  • Equipping and training nature and sports clubs
  • Production of 10,000 seedlings of indigenous species by the nature and sports clubs
  • Reforestation of degraded forests, schools and public spaces



  • 200 young girls will benefit from this program
  • These 200 young girls will be trained in the practice of women’s soccer
  • 200 young girls will be benefit from the programme
  • 100 youngsters trained in the production of seedlings
  • 4,500 students sensitised through the educational programme content in secondary and middle schools
  • 10,000 seedlings of indigenous species will be produced to curb climate change


Photo credit : ODDB
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